Founder's Story

Founder's Story

It all started in early 2017 when I got injured playing soccer, causing irreparable damage to my knee. Four years and four surgeries later, I got a second chance to live a normal life but with chronic pain, stiffness, and an ever-looming future of post-traumatic knee arthritis. A second chance at a normal life means the world to an active soul, and having that opportunity became the foundation of Terra Remedy.

Those four years were full of setbacks and new challenges that opened my mind to alternative medicine after multiple letdowns from surgeries and medications in modern medicine. A dear friend who has endured harsh medical circumstances introduced me to CBD, “A plant like ‘weed’ that doesn’t get you high with medicinal benefits without the side effects.” 

Reframing CBD

Before the injury, I was opposed to all things cannabis-related because of its cultural stigma and my conservative upbringing. After a few disappointments with prescription medication and its side effects, one leading me to the emergency room, I opened up to the idea of a plant providing me the healing I need to move forward. It was time to accept the damage done to my knee, take in the reminders that the scars give me and use it to tell my story, and look forward to the rest of my life with renewed hope.

My experience with CBD has had a tremendously positive impact on my life. It has brought me physical and mental relief and helped me enjoy life's pleasures again. What started as a moderate pain reliever began reducing inflammation around my surgical wounds. Soon after, it also assisted in my recovery when I started physical therapy. The big surprise was that there were no side effects like those that caused me so much discomfort before - quite the contrary.


Benefits of CBD

CBD is a mood booster that cannot be understated. Day-to-day stressors can be a tremendous burden that can seriously affect the mind and body and sometimes go unnoticed. CBD can have a positive impact in easing stress and promoting mental wellbeing. Previous medications would cause me to leave work early, and I experienced a loss of appetite, withdrawals, lack of motivation, nausea, and the big one, loss of consciousness. However, CBD didn’t give me these side effects. Now I am able to stay focused at work, my appetite returned (which is vital for recovery) and my mentality was much healthier. Now I was more patient with myself and my progress, I had a little more hope, and I was more pleasant to be around.

I cannot say that CBD is a miracle because it didn’t completely treat my problem. It became an essential tool to live a healthy lifestyle while staying mindful of my body. When one part of the body aches, it causes all attention and priorities to focus on fixing the issue, to be healthy again. After managing my recovery and routine with my doctor and physical therapist, CBD became an excellent alternative filled with possibilities for managing pain, sleep, and diet.




New Days and New Relief

The relief has been life-changing, and my vision is to pass that on to as many people as possible. I started Terra Remedy as a healing tool for change. Nature has many remedies that can help with many of the issues affecting us; for me, this is my direction. To be mindful of each step of the process; transforming Earth's natural remedies into products that our bodies respond to in a way that fits a healthy lifestyle. If the products can improve people’s lives, then Terra Remedy is a success.

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